sql azure 语法_将SQL工作负载迁移到Microsoft Azure:规划迁移
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sql azure 语法

In this article, we will discuss several points that should be considered when planning to migrate the on-premises SQL workload to Microsoft Azure cloud services. This article is the first step in a series of articles that discuss how to perform the SQL and No-SQL workload migration smoothly to the cloud.

在本文中,我们将讨论计划将本地SQL工作负载迁移到Microsoft Azure云服务时应考虑的几点。 本文是一系列文章的第一步,这些文章讨论了如何顺利地将SQL和No-SQL工作负载迁移到云。

为什么要迁移? (Why migrate?)

Data is one of the most precious “assets” in each company that drives business success. And as a proactive Data Engineer in an international company, you will always think how to secure your data at rest and in transit, and use the most optimal data platform technologies to serve the data to the application clients from any point in the earth as fast as possible with the minimum downtime or data loss possibilities.

数据是每个推动业务成功的公司中最宝贵的“资产”之一。 作为一家跨国公司中的主动数据工程师,您将始终思考如何保护静态和传输中的数据,并使用最佳的数据平台技术以最快的速度将数据从地球上的任何位置提供给应用程序客户端尽可能减少停机时间或数据丢失的可能性。

With the growth of the company business, it is your responsibility to keep track of the data storage and retrieval speed in order not to lose your clients. Put yourself in the shoes of a client who is trying to submit an online order to buy from your online store, but the site is taking a long time to refresh the content and submit the order. For me, I will close the site and buy it from the nearest store!

随着公司业务的增长,这是你的责任,跟踪数据存储和检索速度,为了失去你的客户。 让自己陷入试图提交在线订单以从您的在线商店购买的客户的位置,但是该网站需要很长时间才能刷新内容并提交订单。 对我来说,我将关闭该站点并从附近的商店购买!


If the Infrastructure administrator starts complaining about the limitation in the remaining resources in the current hosting machine, or the delay in receiving the new purchased resources, it is the suitable time to discuss with the management the choice to move your SQL workload to Microsoft Azure.

如果基础结构管理员开始抱怨当前托管计算机中剩余资源的限制,或者接收新购买的资源的延迟,那么现在是与管理层讨论将SQL工作负载移至Microsoft Azure的选择的合适时机。

SQL Cloud

初步研究 (Initial Study)

Before you think to send a meeting request to your management to discuss your idea about migrating the current SQL workload to Microsoft Azure, you need to take into consideration that it is not only one word that you need to mention to the management or a step by step tutorial that you can follow to perform the migration process. You should be prepared and ready for any question by preparing a comprehensive study that includes the current site problems and limitations, a plan for the design and implementation phases of the migration process, and the benefits that the company will gain from moving that workload to Azure from all performance, business growth handling and cost.

在考虑向会议发送会议请求以讨论有关将当前SQL工作负载迁移到Microsoft Azure的想法之前,您需要考虑的是,不仅是您需要向管理层提及的一个单词,或者是一步一步您可以遵循的分步教程来执行迁移过程。 您应该准备一份全面的研究报告,以准备好解决任何问题,其中包括当前的站点问题和局限性,迁移过程的设计和实施阶段的计划以及该公司将工作负载转移到Azure所获得的收益所有绩效,业务增长处理和成本。

The initial study for the migration process should include, but may extend:


  • The current SQL and No-SQL workload types in your company, such as OLTP and OLAP workloads

  • The database administration and monitoring tools that you are using in the on-prems site

  • The list of on-prems database engine types, versions, and locations

  • The current database resources size and the expected resources growth ratio for each database

  • The dependencies between the databases. This helps in selecting the list of candidate databases that will participate in the first migration wave and the database consolidation possibilities to reduce the cloud hosting cost

    数据库之间的依赖关系。 这有助于选择将参与第一个迁移浪潮的候选数据库列表,以及数据库整合的可能性以降低云托管成本
  • The dependencies between the databases and the applications and how these applications interact with the databases. This will end up grouping the databases based on its dependencies. It is better to have a discussion with the development team to identify the criticality of each database for the business and see if it is possible to migrate the database applications to Microsoft Azure

    数据库与应用程序之间的依赖关系以及这些应用程序与数据库的交互方式。 最终将根据数据库的依赖关系对数据库进行分组。 最好与开发团队进行讨论,以确定每个数据库对于企业的重要性,并查看是否有可能将数据库应用程序迁移到Microsoft Azure。
  • The different security and encryption requirements for each database

  • The backup strategy and tools used for each database

  • The list of all additional components that are involved in the data models, such as SSIS, SSAS, and SSRS that should be migrated

  • The list of issues that you are facing in the current site, such as performance or availability

  • The limitations in the current site, such as hardware upgrade limitation or unsupported features

  • The Availability requirements for your databases

  • The confirmed Restore Time Objective (RTO) and Restore Point Objective (RPO) for your databases and how they are met in the current site


云注意事项 (Cloud Considerations)

After checking the current situation, you should have a look at the cloud solutions that can be used to replace the current on-premises site. This includes learning the features available in each service and the pros and cons of each service in order to identify which service meets your requirements. With the different available cloud providers, I will concentrate on the Microsoft Azure database services in my articles, such as SQL on Azure VM, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse, and how to use it as a replacement for the on-premises ones.

在检查了当前情况之后,您应该查看可用于替换当前本地站点的云解决方案。 这包括学习每个服务中可用的功能以及每个服务的利弊,以便确定哪个服务符合您的要求。 在不同的可用云提供商的帮助下,我将在我的文章中重点介绍Microsoft Azure数据库服务,例如Azure VM上SQL,Azure SQL数据库,Azure SQL托管实例和Azure SQL数据仓库,以及如何使用它来替代对于本地的。

Migrate to Cloud

Once you review the Microsoft Azure database-related services, your need to take into consideration the following points in your migration plan that may extend:

审核与Microsoft Azure数据库相关的服务后,需要考虑迁移计划中可能扩展的以下几点:

  • Choose the suitable target data platform in the cloud, Infrastructure as a Services (IaaS) or Platform as a Service (PaaS), based on your technical requirements, and cost plan. This choice specifies what Azure services can be used and the control level on these services

    根据您的技术要求和成本计划,在云中选择合适的目标数据平台,基础架构即服务(IaaS)或平台即服务(PaaS)。 此选择指定可以使用哪些Azure服务以及这些服务的控制级别
  • The Microsoft Azure services that can be used as a replacement for every single feature, component, or functionality in the on-prems site to serve your workloads

    Microsoft Azure服务可以替代本地站点中的每个功能,组件或功能,以服务您的工作负载
  • The proper size for the Microsoft Azure services to fit the current site growth ratio with the minimal possible cost. Scaling up/down plans or scaling out/in plans at that stage will be a great step ahead

    Microsoft Azure服务的适当大小,以最小的成本适应当前的网站增长率。 在那个阶段扩大/缩小计划或扩大/扩大计划将是向前迈出的重要一步
  • The suitable region(s) to host each database that provides the lowest latency, based on the applications and client’s locations

  • The Availability solution that should be used in Microsoft Azure, based on the selected Azure service, to meet your database availability requirements

    应基于所选的Azure服务在Microsoft Azure中使用的可用性解决方案,以满足您的数据库可用性要求
  • The cloud services configurations and features that can be used to meet the confirmed Restore Time Objective (RTO) and Restore Point Objective (RPO)

  • The ability to achieve the security and privacy compliance and regulatory requirements of your organization using the cloud services

  • The changes that should be performed on the current workload to be compatible with the target data platform technologies in Microsoft Azure and what transformation tools can be used to achieve that

    应该在当前工作负载上执行的更改,以与Microsoft Azure中的目标数据平台技术兼容,以及可以使用哪些转换工具来实现该更改
  • The new features in the cloud that can be used to optimize the current workload

  • The administration and monitoring tools that can be used to replace the on-prems tools

  • The ability to perform the security and encryption requirements for each database

  • The backup and recovery cloud solutions can be used to design and automate the database backup strategy

  • Any potential blockers for the migration process

  • The tools that will be used to migrate the current workload to the cloud with minimal possible downtime and data loss

  • Validation test strategy by migrating sample workload and how to measure the gains and compare it with the on-premises site

  • The breaking fixes that should be performed after the migration process

  • The rollback plan in case of any single possible failure


Now you can send the invitation to your management and discuss with them if migrating the current on-premises workload to the cloud is feasible, or you need to move with upgrading the current on-premises data center to handle the workload growth, serving the clients with highest possible availability and minimal data loss, without losing the company clients or having them frustrated from the company services.


结论 (Conclusion)

In this overview, I have tried to make the first step of migrating the on-premises SQL workloads to Microsoft Azure clear and simple as possible, so that you can be ready for the next technical migration steps. In the next article, we will discuss the list of Azure data services and the differences between these services so that it will be easy for you to choose the database service that meets your requirements. Stay tuned!

在本概述中,我尝试使将本地SQL工作负载迁移到Microsoft Azure的第一步变得尽可能简单和清晰,以便您准备好进行下一个技术迁移步骤。 在下一篇文章中,我们将讨论Azure数据服务的列表以及这些服务之间的区别,以便您轻松选择满足您要求的数据库服务。 敬请关注!


sql azure 语法


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